
While every effort is made by Osgoode Professional Development (“OsgoodePD”) to provide accurate information, OsgoodePD does not guarantee its accuracy, and users are urged to check their correctness against primary materials or a second source. OsgoodePD and its contributors make no warranties as to the accuracy of the information contained on the website, or its applicability to a particular situation. Using OsgoodePD materials is not a substitute for legal research, analysis and drafting.

With respect to all information provided in or linked to through this website, OsgoodePD makes no warranties of any kind, express or implied (including warranties of fitness for a particular purpose) and shall not be liable for any loss arising out of use of this information, including without limitation any indirect or consequential damages.  Further, any non- OsgoodePD resources that are accessed through links provided on www.OsgoodePD.ca  were not created and are not maintained by OsgoodePD. Consequently, OsgoodePD is not responsible for their accuracy, adequacy or completeness, or for the results obtained by using them.

OsgoodePD presents the information on this website as a convenience to our users. While the information on this site is about legal issues, it does not constitute legal advice and should not be construed as, or relied on, as legal advice. Users who are seeking legal advice are directed to consult a lawyer.